Abdul Ghani, Mujahid Hussain, Muhammad Ikram, Noor Muhammad Iftikhar Ahmad, Ameer Khan, Mishal Iftikhar, Muhammad Imran, Khuram Shahzad, Muhammad Farooq and Tahira Hameed
Citrus is one of the most commonly consumed fruits in Pakistan. The present study was conducted to evaluate ascorbic acid concentration in Citrus sinensis and Citrus limetta collected from different tehsils of District Sargodha. All the varieties have good source of vitamin c, but the highest concentration was reported in Citrus sinensis, which was collected from tehsil Sahiwal and that was 89.69 mg/100 mL and lowest reported in Citrus limetta 33.155 mg/100 mL, which was collected from Tehsil Silanwali.
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