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Due to the disease, side effects of HD, and worsening complications, ESRD patients with HD had significantly lower exercise capacity than ESRD patients without HD at the same stage. The VO2 peak was widely used as an indirect measure of aerobic capacity and the oxidative capacity of peripheral muscle, and it strongly predicted the survival time of ESRD patients. The subgroup analysis revealed that, regardless of exercise duration, intensity, or frequency, patients' VO2 peaks increased effectively when they performed aerobic or combined exercise. The results of a previous meta-analysis, which estimated that regular exercise was beneficial for aerobic capacity, were incongruous with this one. Exercising increased VO2 peak, indicating an increase in aerobic capacity. Then, patients with ESRD who are undergoing HD may increase their exercise time as a result of less fatigue, break from a sedentary lifestyle, and eventually see a decrease in mortality.
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