
Zeitschrift für diabetische Komplikationen und Medizin

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Diabetic Mastopathy

Diabetic mastopathy is an uncommon complication of diabetes characterised by tough masses that develop in the breast. Most commonly diagnosed in premenopausal women with type 1 diabetes. The cause of this condition is unknown Symptoms may include hard, irregular, easily movable, discrete, painless breast mass. This condition can involve one or both breasts and can affect males and females. The cause of diabetic mastopathy is unknown. Theories include an autoimmune reaction, genetic factors such as human leukocyte antigen (HLA) type, association with insulin therapy, and association with hyperglycemia. Diabetic mastopathy usually occurs in women with ‘juvenile-onset‘ diabetes. Diabetic fibrous mastopathy is virtually indistinguishable from breast cancer.

Related Journals to Diabetic Mastopathy

Journal of Diabetic Complications & Medicine, Breast Cancer: Current Research, Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism, Primary Care Diabetes, Journal of Clinical and Molecular Endocrinology, Current Diabetes Reports, Journal of Diabetes medication & care, Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics, Current Opinion in Endocrinology

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