
Internationale Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Managementwissenschaften

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The Relative Effectiveness of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Economic Growth in Cameroon: An Error Correction Model


Sonkey Louis Ntu*, and Charlotte Nanyongo Wonganya

The aim of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy on economic growth in Cameroon. The Study make use of Error correction model and Johanson Cointegration using the St. Louis equation to examine the short run and long run effect of these policies on GDP in Cameroon. Data were collected from World Bank Development indicators from 1985 to 2018. Our findings reveal that fiscal policy has a positive and significant effect on economic growth in the short run while monetary policy has a positive and insignificant effect on economic growth in Cameroon in the short run. The result of cointegration using trace statistics shown a single cointegrating equation, meaning that there is a long run relationship. The error correction term estimation gave a negative and significant value of about 0.14 showing that about 14% of error deviation in the short run is corrected in the long run. The overall findings reveal that fiscal policy, monetary policy, and export has asymmetric effect on current GDP with fiscal policy having a greater short run effect on GDP while monetary policy have a greater long run effect on GDP. Since fiscal policy was found to be more effective than monetary policy in affecting real GDP growth in the short run, improving the quality of public spending should be part of the growthemployment strategy paper implemented in Cameroon through reduction of taxes and deviating government expenditures to productive activities rather than on buying of arms and other unproductive expenditures.

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