Gideon K. Kurigamba*, Vivian V. Akello, Asaph Owamukama, Irene Nanyanga
Juvenile polyps may also present with prolapse of the polyp from the anus, abdominal pain due to intussusception or may even be asymptomatic. All such polyps should be removed by colonoscopy or transanal resection.
Objective: To share the experience of Juvenile polyposis, at Bwindi community hospital Uganda.
Design and methods: These are case reports of two children second degree relatives, who presented with recurrent rectal bleeding for 4 months after every passage of stool, with prolapse of a mass and were managed at Bwindi community hospital
Results: These patients were all admitted for a total of two days in Hospital. Average hemoglobin was 11.5 mg/dl. Both had a preoperative colonoscopy that revealed a solitary polyp in the rectal canal. They both underwent Examination Under Anesthesia (EUA) and transanal polypectomy.
Conclusion: Juvenile Polyps (JP) are rare, but a key cause of rectal bleeding in children and in low resource settings, transanal polypectomy remains the treatment of choice.
Rahaf Alhabbab*
Ossifying fasciitis is a very rare benign tumor of reactive character that can mimic malignant lesions, especially osteosarcoma. We report a
case of a 19-months-old boy, who experienced a rapidly growing hard painless swelling at the right side of the mandible. Resection of the
mass, and a detailed correlation with a clinicopathological and radiological analysis led to the final diagnosis of ossifying fasciitis of the
submandibular region at the lower boarder of the mandible.
Ali Abdulrahman Younis*
Bone Marrow Edema Syndrome (BMES) is a clinical syndrome of unknown etiology characterized by the acute onset of pain gradually worsening over several weeks to months. Radiographic changes occur, but laboratory studies are generally unremarkable. It can primarily affect the foot and ankle and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients with acute foot and ankle pain, particularly in middle age men, and women in the third trimester of pregnancy. I here present 2 case reports of BMES of the ankle. Appropriate conservative treatment resulted in resolution of symptoms. Bone marrow edema syndrome can present a diagnostic challenge, but awareness of the typical presenting features and investigation findings can makes the diagnosis more accessible.
Maimoona Khan*, Rabia Siraj
Client Z.I was 36 years old man with presenting complaints of sleep disturbance, difficulty in concentration, restlessness, fatigue, lack of interest in anything, suicidal ideation and history of suicide attempt. In Forma assessment; Siddique Shah Depression Inventory (SSDI), Suicidal Ideation Scale (SIS) were used and in informal assessment observations, clinical interview, mental status examination, Dysfunctional Thought Record chart (DTR) used for diagnosis. Client was diagnosed with major depression disorder. Management plan was devised based on cognitive behaviour therapy techniques such as identifying distortions, ABC model, distraction techniques, motivational interviewing and hope box/survival kit, moreover no harm contract, art therapy, social therapy were used. Total 14 sessions were conducted.
Allison Nitsch*, Mark Kearns, Ashlie Watters and Phil Mehler
Background: The purposes of this case series was to identify clinical characteristics of patients with restrictive eating disorders who have experienced pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum and elucidate possible risk factors for the development of pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum in this patient population through literature review. The scope of the case series is limited to patients admitted for medical stabilization from severe restrictive Eating Disorders (EDs).
Methods: We compiled a series of adult patients with severe EDs who were diagnosed with a pneumothorax or pneumomediastinum while admitted to the ACUTE Center for Eating Disorders at Denver Health between April 2016 and January 2021. Additionally, a series of adult patients who reported a history of pneumothorax on admission to the same institution, during the same time period, were identified and characteristics of their pneumothorax were obtained using outside records provided by the patient at time of their admission. A literature review of cases of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum in patients with EDs was completed.
Results: Twenty-five cases of pneumothorax were identified in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) or avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), all of whom were below normal body weight, between cases at our institution and literature review. Additionally, 5 patients at our institution, and 21 patients with EDs from the literature with below normal body weight with spontaneous pneumomediastinum were identified.
Conclusions and limitations: The relationship of spontaneous pneumomediastinum in patients with AN and ARFID and low body weights is well established and can be managed conservatively with good outcomes. It is currently unclear if the starved state, and the lung changes it induces in these patients increases patients’ risk for spontaneous pneumothorax. Patients with AN and ARFID may be at higher risk for iatrogenic pneumothorax with certain invasive procedures. There is direct connection between patients’ eating disorder and occurrence of traumatic pneumothorax. Patients at expected body weights, or in larger bodies with restrictive Eds, were not included in this study and therefore, their risk of pneumothorax and pneumomediastinum in relation to their eating disorder behaviours is unknown.
Claudio Marone*, Mariagiovanna Di Palo, Orazio Nannola, Barbara Flora Russo, Maurizio Sacco, Luisa Isabella Siniscalchi und Mariano Carafa
Einleitung: Die Nebenwirkungen der Impfstoffe gegen SARS-CoV2 im Zusammenhang mit der globalen Pandemie der SARS-CoV2-Infektion erfreuen sich großer Beliebtheit und werden heftig diskutiert.
Ziel der Studie: Der Zweck dieses Artikels besteht darin, einen Zusammenhang zwischen der Impfung und der Entwicklung einiger ungewöhnlicher klinischer Symptome aufzuzeigen.
Methoden: Wir beschreiben den Fall einer 21-jährigen jungen Frau, die etwa 10 Tage nach der ersten Dosis des Moderna-Impfstoffs Symptome wie Fieber, Brust- und Gliederschmerzen im linken Oberarm entwickelte, was einen Besuch in der Notaufnahme und einen Krankenhausaufenthalt 14 Tage später erforderlich machte. Aufgrund der während des Krankenhausaufenthalts durchgeführten instrumentellen Tests, insbesondere der Angio-TC der Brust und der linken oberen Extremität sowie des Wachstums von Staphylococcus aureus in einer Blutkultur, wurden septische Arthritis des linken Sternoklavikulargelenks, Mediastinitis, tiefe Venenthrombose der linken oberen Extremität und Lungenembolie diagnostiziert. Der Patient erhält eine bakterielle und gerinnungshemmende Therapie und erholt sich klinisch und radiologisch, sodass er 10 Tage nach dem Krankenhausaufenthalt entlassen werden kann.
Ergebnisse: Aufgrund des zeitlichen Ablaufs ist eine ursächliche Rolle der Impfung bei der Entstehung des Krankheitsbildes in diesem Fall sehr wahrscheinlich, allerdings ist auch ein unspezifischer Wirkmechanismus, wie die Impfstoffinjektion auf venulärer oder arteriolarer Ebene und die Einhaltung der Asepsis, plausibel.
Schlussfolgerung: Obwohl in den letzten Jahren Fälle von septischer Arthritis nach Impfungen mit Grippe- und Pneumokokken-Impfstoffen sowie in jüngerer Zeit mit SARS-CoV2-Impfstoffen (insbesondere mit Beteiligung des Schultergelenks) gemeldet wurden, liegt die Neuartigkeit unserer Ergebnisse in der Tatsache, dass es sich um den ersten Fall einer septischen Arthritis mit sternoklavikulärer Lokalisation handelt, was an und für sich ungewöhnlich ist.