
Zeitschrift für Biometrie und Biostatistik

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Effects of Gender and use of Supplements to the Survival Rates for HIV-Positive Patients with Low CD4 Count in Kilifi County, Kenya


Leonard Kiti Alii

HIV associated deaths have decreased substantially thanks to the ART treatment. However, there is still need for funding of Anti Retroviral Treatment services by donors and Ministry of health so as to prevent the loss caused by AIDS related deaths in the society. The study basically looked at the survival rates of HIV patients under ART treatment in Kilifi county. Various factors affecting the uptake of ARVs for HIV-positive patients were outlined and investigated in this study. A sample of 232 patients was considered from Chasimba health center from Kilifi county for a period of about 5 years. The analysis of the data showed that ARV uptake in females is high compared to their male counterparts. Opportunistic infections, the kind of marital status of patients and counseling session attendance by patients on ART affected their survival. Thus, the survival of patients under ART programs can be improved if we improve on the sensitization of the public on the need to access healthcare facilities and to ask the county government to set up as many health facilities as possible, to provide health services at close distance to the people. We can also bring behavioral change among HIV patients to attend counseling session and get pieces of advices on correct health measures and behaviors.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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