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Zeitschrift für Nephrologie und Therapeutik

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Death Receptor in the First Year after Simultaneous Pancreas/Kidney Transplantation


Marcelo G Sousa *,Marcelo M Linhares ,Alcides Salzedas ,Adriano M Gonzalez ,Erika Rangel ,Joao R Sá ,Claudio Melaragno ,Leandro D Cezar ,Gaspar J L Lopes-Filho ,Jose O M Pestana

Background: Simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplants require a long graft survival and recipient with to achieve more benefits than risks. In order to access the risk for this procedure, we evaluate the risk factors of death receptor with one year postoperatively in 292 simultaneous pancreas/kidney transplants evaluated 22 variables.
Materials and Methods: Twenty-two variables were selected for the study, nine from receivers, eight from donors and five variables related to the surgical procedure. To determine the survival of patients, we evaluated dates of transplants, the latest consultation and dates of deaths. All independent variables were compared with the dependent variable: patient lost in a year. Those with statistical significance through univariate analyzes, were also analyzed by multiple logistic regression technique in an attempt to develop a mathematical model capable of predicting 1-year patient loss.
Results: Relatively to the loss of patient in one year, the multivariate analysis identified body mass index receptor (p ≤ 0.008) and induction therapy (negative factor p ≤ 0.008) as independent risk factors.
Conclusion: Based on the results of this research can be concluded that the independent variables related to one year loss of receptor are: body mass index of the donor and induction therapy.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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