
Zeitschrift für chemische Wissenschaften

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Advancements in Green Chemistry: Sustainable Approaches to Industrial Catalysis


Katsuhiko Hamura

Green chemistry, a transformative approach to chemical research and industrial processes, seeks to minimize the environmental impact of chemistry. One of its key components is the development of sustainable industrial catalysis. Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being consumed in the process and their application is crucial in the chemical industry. Traditional catalysts, however, often involve toxic or scarce materials and generate hazardous byproducts. The shift towards green catalysis aims to address these issues, leading to more sustainable and eco-friendly industrial practices. Green catalysis incorporates principles of green chemistry, which were formally established in the 1990s. These principles include using safer solvents, reducing waste, increasing energy efficiency and designing less hazardous chemical syntheses. Advances in green catalysis have primarily focused on developing catalysts that are more efficient, selective and environmentally benign.

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