
Zeitschrift für Mikrobiologie und Pathologie

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A Survey for Onychomycosis among Patients Attending General Hospital Ammannawa, Sokoto State Nigeria


Baki AS, Bello A, Mohammad UK, Farouq AA, Usman AA, Yahaya MA, Gambo A, Ahmad US, Zaid S and Yabo YA

Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nail, which occurs worldwide with Dermatophytes as the most common causal agents although yeast and mould are also involved. The diagnosis usually involves direct microscopy and culture to prove actual existence of onychomycosis. A total of 30 samples were tested using 20% KOH and culture plates of Sabourad Dextrose Agar (SDA) which was mixed with streptomycin as an antibiotic. A total of (80.0%) samples were identified as positive by culture, among which (46.7%) were KOH positive and (33.3%) were KOH negative. (20.0%) were culture negative. The predominant pathogen was yeast (37.43%), followed by Dermatophytes (33.33%) and the mould with (24.12%) of the cases recorded. Onychomycosis was observed to be common between the age of 41-50 with the occurrence of (50%), and (50%) in both male and female patients attending the hospital. The research highlighted that the yeast was a predominant pathogen in Ammannawa General Hospital Sokoto; Patients should be well informed on the need to take their health and personal hygiene seriously, and also adhere to treatments. Based on the result obtained, it was recommended that people should avoid going barefoot in public places, and keep feet cool and dry. To educate patients on need to improve their health and personal hygiene. Patients should endeavor to apply antifungal powder/spray to the inside of their shoes once a week or more and they should also comply with all treatment protocol.

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