
Fortschritte in Robotik und Automatisierung

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Volumen 11, Ausgabe 4 (2022)


A Sophisticated Location-based LPG Gas Leakage Detection System with Smart Control and Security

Rupanwita Das Mahapatra*, and Rahul Sarker

Liquefied Petroleum Gas or LPG is one the important non-renewable fuel in our daily life. LPG is a volatile hydrocarbon gas production from refineries and gas refinery with the major components of propane gas (C3H8) and butane (C4H10). As the LPG gas is heavier than the air, the effects of accidental fires, gas leakage and explosion can occur in an uncertain period. In the most traditional gas supply system for an apartment building or other type of collective housing area, there are cases in which a number of bank cylinders are arranged in a single location and the LP gas is supplied through main gas lines from this single location to each house hold. So, there are high chances of irregular monitoring and dangerous accidents can occur from leakage of LPG or from gas distribution system. There are many possibilities of leakage. To check a specific part regularly is very time consuming. One of the preventive and very though method to stop accident associated with the gas leakage is to install electronic leakage detector at vulnerable places where more possibilities of leakage may occur. Moreover, the inspection for gas leakage must be performed over the entire field and thus save considerable time and effort, so this is a major burden on the LPG gas Supplier or natural gas utility. In light of these problems, the object of the present invention is to provide a location-based and SMS alert based gas leakage detection System that can perform gas detection more easily and reliably. In our proposed gas leakage detection system, it may be used for house hold application with the IOT applications as well as outdoor Gas distribution centre for leakage detection in a specific area.

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