Lavinia Domenici, Marco Monti, Federica Tomao, Margherita Giorgini, Ilaria Sabatucci, Vanessa Colagiovanni, Agnese Maria Lourdes Gambaro, Ludovico Muzii and Pierluigi Benedetti Panici
Introduction: Metastasis of ovarian serous carcinoma to breast and/or axillary lymph nodes represents an unusual event. Nevertheless, their detection and distinction from mammary carcinoma are of huge clinical importance because the treatment and prognosis diverge significantly. Case presentation: We report a case of a 47 year-old Caucasian female patient with unforeseen metastasis to the breast and to axillary lymph nodes due to ovarian serous carcinoma. Conclusion: In patients with history of OSC who present with axillary or breast mass, an accurate histological diagnosis should be obtained since this has a great impact on treatment outcomes.
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