Luisetto M*, Naseer Almukthar, Tarro G, Farhan Ahmad Khan, Khaled Edbey, Gamal Abdul Hamid, Mashori G R, Ahnaf Ilman, Nili B.A, Fiazza C,Yesvi R, Jameel Ahmad and Latyshev O. Y
This work is written in actual situation by which some covid vaccine are under deeply investigation related some rare cases of thrombosis. It is really interesting to observe the literature that have reported in first and second â?? third wave of covid-19 disease a relationship with increase thrombosis in the most severe patients. So it is possible to say that there is a procoagulant property of covid-19 virus. But this property is related to all virus particle or it can be mediated or due by the spike-protein? And if there is this relationship it was a real good feature di project vaccine based on this protein? To investigate in this direction can be a good instrument to better understand some unclear aspect of this Vaccine rapid production
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