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Post-infectious Acute Ataxia in Children: A Case Report


Hawra Abdulaal

Acute cerebellar ataxia (ACA) is a clinical syndrome presenting with gait abnormality and instability while the mental status remains intact. Although it is the commonest cause of ataxia within pediatric population; patients presenting with a rapid onset gait disturbance must undergo a comprehensive diagnostic approach in order to exclude more serious etiologies that might have a similar presentation. In this article, we report a case of a previously well 2-year-old boy with a recent enterovirus infection, presenting with acute cerebellar ataxia. This case report aims to highlight the appropriate approach to diagnosing post-infectious ACA.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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