
Zeitschrift für Informatik und Systembiologie

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Implementation of a Collaborative Document Processing in the Cloud


Jiafei Wen and Xiaolong Wu

Document processing is one of the most widely used and well developed With the recent fast development of high-speed internet and distributed computing, it is possible to move document processing to web-based, and even cloud-based. The initial benefits of moving office documents into cloud for small and medium sized are business cost saving for buying, maintaining, and upgrading both software and hardware. However, the most significant advantage of doing is to enable users of real-time collaborative editing on a shared cloud-based document. Therefore, moving office applications into cloud is an inevitable trend for the development of office application. A novel efficient document-processing model (DPC) in the cloud is proposed. Detailed description and functioning of this model is briefly discussed first in this paper. Next, we implemented the DPC model in the Google cloud through the Google App Engine. Our cases testing verified the proposed DPC model enabling users to process their office document collaboratively by a proper granularity in cloud.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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