Julia Zajac, Andreas Schubert, Terry Dyck and Christopher Oelkrug
Major progress has been made both in the field of vaccination and also in therapies against H. pylori infections in recent years. But, the increasing number of H. pylori infections and its resistance to current antibiotics has become a worldwide problem, due to the direct correlation between H. pylori infections and gastritis, gastric ulcers as well as cancer. In this regard, new alternative therapies or prevention methods turned into a global need. Therefore, an oral administration of chicken antibodies IgY specific to H. pylori can be very advantageous. Antibodies like anti-UreB IgYs or anti-VacA IgYs, produced by adult avian species immunized previously with UreB and VacA antigens respectively, are highly effective as a prophylaxis against H. pylori but as well as a treatment of already existing infection.
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