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Humeral Shaft Metastases: An Alternative Method of Reconstruction after Surgical Resection


Cappuccio Michele, Calabro Teresa, De Iure Federico, Tigani Domenico and Gasbarrini Alessandro

Aim: To retrospectively review our patients with metastasis of diaphyseal humerus by surgical resection and
reconstruction with cement, titanium mesh and plate.
Methods: Between April 2008 and December 2012 we treated 6 consecutive patients with humeral metastasis,
4 females and 2 males, with a mean age of 72 years (range 60-78 years) and a mean follow up of 14 months (range
1.3-47.2 months).
Results: We observed one major complication and all patients died of disease. The mean Musculoskeletal
Tumour Society functional score at the time of final follow up was 26.8. Limb salvage surgery for malignant tumors
of diaphyseal humerus is an operative challenge, where the surgeon has to preserve elbow and hand functions and
retain shoulder stability with as much function as possible. Diaphyseal resection allows disease local control, which
alleviate tumor-related pain also preserving the shoulder and elbow function.
Conclusions: Treatment with cemented-plate and mesh provided a cheap and reliable option for diaphyseal
humerus reconstruction after tumour resection.

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