
Zeitschrift für Bioverarbeitung und Biotechnik

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Heavy Metals Biosorption in Liquid Solid Fluidized Bed by Immobilized Consortia in Alginate Beads


R Ilamathi1, GS Nirmala, L Muruganandam

The adsorptive removal chromium, nickel, copper and cadmium by alginate beads containing a mixed consortium of Yeast, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis and Escherichia coli in batch and fluidized bed column reactor was investigated. Under optimized conditions (pH 4.5; contact time 3hrs; initial metal concentration of 150mg/L) batch experiments showed that the immobilized mixed culture was successfully used for the removal of these metal ions in waste water. Fluidized bed studies were carried out in with an adsorbent dosage of 1g/L, a flow rate of 132 LPH, a bed height of length of the reactor. Efficiency of biosorption for copper, cadmium, chromium and nickel was found to be 84.62%, 67.17%, 49.25% and 61.02%. Desorption of the exhausted beads was found to be successful, however with a reduced biosorption capacity.

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