Zaimi A and Slioui B
The diagnosis of congenital heart disease in adulthood is not unusual, but Eisenmenger syndrome is a rare
complication associated with substantial morbidity and mortality. It occurs mostly in patients with post tricuspid
defect or complex lesions. Exceptionally found in patients with pre-tricuspid defect, especially in the case of the
ostium secundum atrial septal defect. While lung (plus defect repair) or combined heart and lung transplantation is
thought be the definitive treatment for Eisenmenger syndrome, transplant organs are a limited resource and longterm
results are still suboptimal. Eisenmenger syndrome patients have benefitted greatly from recent advances in
the management of this condition, especially the introduction of pulmonary artery hypertension therapies. We report
the case of a 39-year-old woman who was admitted with signs of progressive dyspnea who was diagnosed with
ostium secundum atrial septal defect complicated by Eisenmenger syndrome.
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