Petrenko AI
The Com-Com is the user-centric environment which provides researchers with tailored frameworks to support their computational needs. It addresses existing and new user communities in both research and commercial fields. Technically the Com-Com provides dynamic infrastructure, dynamic service provision and user-driven application development across the domains. End users can create new applications for solving their computational tasks easily by combining ready-made interdisciplinary services available in the networked Repository and incorporate their own functionalities. Since services may be offered by different enterprises and communicate over the network, they provide an advanced distributed computing infrastructure for both intra- and cross-enterprise application integration and collaboration. The approach in hands potentially opens a door to rapid creating applied software for Exaflops HPC and Exabytes data. Nowadays the Com-Com can provide applications developing in the life science, environment, engineering, physics, computational chemistry, medicine, data mining research by collecting already existing web-services been developed by different research communities EGI, Flatworld, FI-WARE, SAP, ESRC. The goal of the Com-Com is to present an open environment of applied computing services and to encourage researchers across Europe to participate in its extending, interchanging or improving. The Com-Com stack presents flexibility enabling users to form dynamic teams, dynamic collections of cross domain services and dynamic infrastructure to run the services on. The Com-Com may enhance the capabilities of research organizations who lack resource both in human and technical terms by better integrating researches across international scientific communities with the final aim to strengthen the EU research base.
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