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An Enriched Collagen Peptide Formula but not Fish Collagen Improves Exercise Performance and Metabolic Status in Old Mice


Makida Y1,2, He F3, Mohania D4, Kumar N5, Naito Y1, Lorenzetti A2, Takadanohara H1, Marotta C2, Cervi J1 and Marotta F2*

Eighty twenty-four month old male mice, maintained under standardized conditions, were divided depending on dietary supply: A) standard age-balanced chow food and B) added with GPT-2218 (dosage to be worked out after preliminary data). Animals were weight-matched and each group randomly allocated to: s) a sedentary protocol or t) training protocol by applying endurance exercise. Namely, after adaptation in an ergometric treadmill for one week (5%, 6-8 m/min), the latter group was subjected to following schedule: 20 m/min, 8° slope, 50 min/day for the first week and 25 m/min, 8° slope, 50 min/day (corresponding to 75% of maximum VO2) for the second week. A further group, either sedentary or trained, was supplemented with a generic fish collagen-peptide compound(C) claimed of stamina effect. So, altogether six groups were examined as follows: As (standard food, sedentary), At (standard food under training), Bs (supplemented-sedentary), Bt (supplemented under training), Cs and Ct. Parameters measured were VO2max, liver and gastrocnemius tissue level of glycogen, gastrocnemius level of oxidative markers and inflammatory/anti-inflammatory balance. Results showed that as compared to At, where training showed only a trend improvement of VO2max, Bt had a significant improvement (p<0.05 vs baseline and sedentary group). However, Bt showed significantly better performance than At (p<0.05 vs Bt and 0.01 vs baseline and sedentary group). Skeletal muscle concentration of TBARs significantly increased in both training group soon after exercise (p<0.05) but only Bt. At 2 h observation showed a significant, albeit partial, recovery (p<0.05 vs At). Concomitantly immediately after exercise, there was a drop of SOD (only in At reached a significance of p<0.05) and GSH-Px (p<0.05 vs baseline). Both these values in both groups recovered after 2 h (p<0.05). However, as for SOD only Bt recovery-values was significantly better (p<0.05 vs At). The forelimb strength was significantly improved by training (p<0.05) but at a higher rate in Bt group (p<0.05 vs At). Physical training brought about a significant increase/decrease of IL-1beta and IL-10, respectively in both groups (p<0.05). However, at 2 h post-exercise observation, these values recovered only in Bt group (p<0.05 vs At group). Hepatic glycogen stores were depleted only in At group (p<0.05), whereas both groups showed a significant decrease in skeletal concentration of glycogen (p<0.05). These values did not recover after 2 h in At group while a significant replenishment was recorded in Bt group (p<0.05). Overall, it appears that GPT-2218 enables a better training benefit on VO2, together with a better hormetic effect of training on redox and inflammatory balance leading to a more efficient preservation of skeletal muscular glycogen and more consistent strength performance. Whatever the set of experiments and the parameters tested, the generic fish collagen-peptide did not yield any significant change, being comparable to the un supplemented group A. Further studies are awaited to scrutinize the impact of a GPT-2218 association with selective amino acids formulas.

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