
Zeitschrift für Krankenpflege und Pflege

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A Roadmap to Superior Nursing: Promoting Proactive, Person−Centered Nursing Care


Shigeyoshi Maki

There is no agreed-upon minimum standard for what constitutes competent and safe nursing care. It is difficult to establish a minimum standard because of constraints imposed by organizations and limited resources. Nursing care rationing and prioritizing what to postpone, exclude, or omit is a daily occurrence for nurses. A minimum level of healthcare is a patient right in developed nations where public healthcare is paid for by taxes; However, it is unclear what this actually means for a particular patient. As a result, establishing a minimum standard of nursing care would be beneficial to both patients and nurses. Clarity in this area is also important from a moral and legal standpoint. In order to guarantee competent and safe nursing care, we examine the need for a minimum standard.

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