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Volumen 10, Ausgabe 6 (2021)


Physio-chemical and Technological Evaluation of the Fruits and Vegetable Residue Flour for Biscuits and Nachos

Kumari Shivani and Mishra Sunita

The aim of the present research is an increased consumption of healthy foods to reduce chronic diseases risk is true. We formulate and standardize FVR flour from fruits & vegetables as a nutritive alternative to highly consumed snacks such as biscuits and nachos. FVR flour, multigrain atta, cornflour, chickpea flour are mixed to prepare the biscuits & nachos. They are baked. In conclusion, nutritionally enhanced biscuits & nachos are developed from FVR flour, which provides significantly more dietary fibre and protein and less fat than traditional commercial biscuits & nachos, but with a comparable appearance and high Acceptability: Fruits & vegetables are widely processed, and during their processing, the residue is often discarded. Some residues such as peels, seeds, have a rich composition and can be used. However, the high perishability, due to high moisture content, limits this use. The reduction of moisture, achieved by drying, is an alternative to use these residues. Flours made from apple, carrot, capsicum, coriander, guava, ginger, garlic, gooseberry, mint, moringa, raw papaya, spinach etc through the drying process, are evaluated for particle size distribution, structural analysis, functional group, water activity, hydrogen ionic potential, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, solubility in water and milk and water, milk absorption, to characterize them and suggest potential applications in food products. Water activity and pH values are favourable for the preservation of the flours, which also showed better solubility in water than in milk, as well as higher water uptake and milk compared to fat. These results indicated good potential for use in food processing, especially in instant products and bakery, to develop new products or replace ingredients, representing an alternative to the use of residue.

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Gastrointestinal Malignancy Cures: A Molecular Biology Approaches

Joseph Abraham

Stomach- and intestine-related (GI) area of land is a long pathway that extends from the mouth to the anus. Everything you eat passes through the oesophagus and gets processed in the stomach and small intestines to extract things that act as foods. in the end, the waste is removed from your body through the colon and rectum. Sometimes, a tumor can form in one of these organs, after a change in the DNA causes different from what are usually expected cells to grow. This kind of change happens by the change. It could be anything from hidden under conditions to way of living choices to the study of tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things in stomachand intestine-related cancer is common, both in the United States and worldwide. Treatments are more effective when the cancer is detected at an early stage--which, unfortunately, can be a challenge.

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Genetic Approaches in the Field of Molecular Biology

Immanuel Adam

Molecular the study of tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things uses the laboratory tools of molecular study of living things qualities of living things to relate changes in the structure and sequence of human tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things to functional changes in protein function, and in the end to health and disease. New technology, such as is being developed for the total set of tiny chemical assembly instructions of a living thing, promises to greatly increase the reach and extent of the study of tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things. In fact, narrow areas of interest of people within careers, such as related to the chemicals in living things and cell-based in the end merge with the study of tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things and offer the medical community a more complete and thorough and having different things working together as one unit approach to understanding the role of our related to the study of tiny chemical instructions within cells different version in health and disease. However, the understandings of results from the medicine-based molecular the study of tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things laboratory will always come from the basics of molecular and cell study of living things of living things and in the central way of thinking-that tiny chemical assembly instructions inside of living things translate secret code of proteins, decorated with a personal touch medicine will grow


Studies on Antibacterial Activity of a Cyanobacterium Tolypothrix fragilis (Gardner) Geitler

Janardhan Namdeo Nehul

Tolypothrix fragilis, a cyanobacterium was isolated from the collected soil samples from different locations of Ahmednagar district of Maharashtra state (India). Identification was carried out using morphological variation and taxonomical approaches according to Desikachary and Prescott. The axenic culture of Tolypothrix fragilis was obtained by using the method recommended by Bolch and Blackburn. The isolated Tolypothrix fragilis was grown autotropically in BG-11 medium and incubated at 30 ± 2°C. After 25 days, biomass was harvested by filtration through double layered muslin cloth and dried using air blower. The biomass of this Tolypothrix fragilis species was used for the assessment of antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Micrococcus flavus and Proteus mirabilis. The antibacterial activity was studied by disc diffusion method. Methanol extract of Tolypothrix fragilis showed the activity against all the tested bacterial strains. Maximum zone of inhibition (22 ± 1.4 mm) was recorded with methanol extract of Tolypothrix fragilis against Bacillus subtilis. The MIC for all the bacteria was in the range of 32 – 256 μg/ml

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