
Zeitschrift für Textilwissenschaft und -technik

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Volumen 11, Ausgabe 12 (2022)


Drying of Cotton Seeds by using the Construction of a New Transmission Line Based on the Energy Saving of the Drum

Siroj Fayziyev*

This article is based on the theoretical justification for the development of energy saving projects and the main operating parameters for the implementation of the process of preparing high-density cotton seeds for storage. One of the issues of the program of economic development of the Republic of Uzbekistan is to increase the productivity of high-quality fiber and its implementation on the world market. The production of high-quality raw cotton fiber depends on the fact that the production process is organized on the basis of technical requirements. In particular, in the process of drying cotton in processing plants, it is important to reduce its moisture content and storage.


Synthesis of Aminothiophene Substituted Squarylium Dyes and Study of their Electrical Conductivity Properties

Imadegbor Franker Amen*, Bell Kasali Ademola, Nkeonye PO and Giwa Abdul Raheem

Squarylium dyes are organic dyes of intense flouresence properties typically in the red to near-infrared region obtained from squaric acid. Squarylium dyes were synthSquarylium dyes are organic dyes of intense flouresence properties typically in the red to near-infrared region obtained from squaric acid. Squarylium dyes were synthesized from aminothiophene which are low molecular weight compound with good electron donating properties. The molecular weight of the dyes ranges from 276 g/mol-434 g/mol with melting point of spanning from 314 °C–336 °C. The FT-IR of band of the squarylium dyes showed sharp absorption bands of 3224.1-3649.1 cm-1 corresponding to the N-H stretch functional group present in the molecule, the C=O group was seen between 1640.0 cm-1-1796.6 cm-1 and the N=C=S (isothiocyanate) functional group ranged from 2105.9 cm-1-2206.6 cm-1. The electrical conductivity measurements were obtained by employing a standard process using a programmable LCR meter at a frequency range of 200 hz-100000 hz and the result calculated using the formular σ =L/RA. The electrical conductivity of synthesized dyes were observed to be within the range of 10-5-10-8 Sm-1. The electrical conductivity of the dyes and aminothiophene substituted squarylium dyes lies within the range of electrical conductivity for semiconductor which is between 10-12 -10-2 Sm-1.

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