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Volumen 4, Ausgabe 1 (2019)


Estimation of the effect of Agrobacterium radiobacter metabolites on the growth of Coriolus hirsutus

Elena V. Emelyanova

The broth after growth of Agrobacterium radiobacter, which formed a great quantity of extracellular
polysaccharides, exhibited the stimulating effect on the growth of wood-rotting basidiomycete Coriolus hirsutus. The
magnitude of effect depended on the quantity of added bacterium broth and the duration of bacterium growth (in the
cabbage medium). As a result of bacterium broth addition, the maximum net increase of mushroom biomass
reached 122-125%as compared to that in control condition (w/o the bacterium broth in cultivation medium). The
stimulating effect was assumed to result from the action of bacterium metabolism products or small amount of
bacteria on the basidiomycete growth.

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