
Zeitschrift für AIDS und klinische Forschung

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Volumen 12, Ausgabe 4 (2021)


Disclosure Deficits among People Living With HIV on ART at Nekemte Specialized Hospital, Western Ethiopia

Lami Bayisa1*, Muktar Abadiga1, Tadesse Tolosa2, Adugna Oluma1, Tesfaye Abera1, Diriba Mulisa1, Ebisa Turi2, Eba Abdisa3 and Galana Mamo4

Background: Human immunodeficiency virus positive status disclosure deficit continues to drive the infection transmission. The major causes for expansion of HIV infection in developing were due to HIV infected individuals continue to have unprotected sex without informing their status to their sexual partner(s) who may be of negative or unknown sero-status. In the Ethiopia regarding disclosure deficit among people living with HIV there is no adequate findings. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess magnitude of disclosure deficit experienced by people living with HIV and application of the Health Belief Model at Nekemte Specialized Hospital Western, Ethiopia, 2020.

Methods: A facility based cross-sectional study was conducted to explore HIV disclosure deficit of people living with HIV at ART Clinic of Nekemte specialized hospital, Western Ethiopia from March 5 to April 15, 2020. Systematic random sampling was used to recruit 380 PLHIV. Participants were interviewed to obtain socio-demographic and health belief related data. Relevant medical history was obtained from participants' chart records. The collected data were processed and analyzed using Epi data version 3.1 and STATA version 14.0. Binary logistic regression analysis with 95% CI was conducted.

Results: The mean age of the 380 PLHIV was 31 (SD± 8.9) years. One fourth, (25%) of participants experienced disclosure deficit. Delayed to use, low level of education, using traditional healing and respondents’ level of knowledge were significantly associated with disclosure deficit. Importantly, Disclosure deficit had significantly affected by respondents’ perceived threat, perceived stigma and perceived low social support.

Conclusion: Magnitude of disclosure deficit was low. Disclosure deficit is more likely when the patient use traditional healing, delayed to start ART, has lower level of education, and perceives stigma and low social support. This finding also insight that the health belief model dimensions would be a valuable framework for providers, planners and policy makers to develop guidelines and policies for early and further HIV sero-status disclosure.

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