
Astrophysik und Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik

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Volumen 5, Ausgabe 2 (2017)


GOP Model: A Model For The Cosmos

Maria Zulmira Rodrigues*

This is a model for the Cosmos that makes it much less mysterious to our eyes. It is logical, simple and clear where the only exotic idea is the Big Bang, which is the founding idea on which it is constructed. This work was born of the idea that accumulating problems, in cosmology, is due to the absence of a suitable theoretical model. The advances in experimental cosmology are enormous. The information to be dealt with is immense, but it lacks this theoretical model consistent with the theories of physics. This is a widespread feeling among cosmologists. Because of the experimental successes, the theoretical work has not received sufficient attention. The independence of cosmology, as a science, has a price to pay, namely the theories and models used cannot be improbable. The models do not need large, or even any, theoretical justifications. What theoretical justification has Rutherford given, when he conceived a model for the atom similar to the solar system? They only need to be consistent with the facts and experimental data. In the same way, the dark matter and dark energy proposals to resolve some facts experimentally, cause us great perplexity. After decades of being proposed they not only have not given satisfactory responses but also created new problems. Furthermore, the dark matter and dark energy are two heavy burdens for physics. They are not consistent with the canons of scientific theories. These must be as simple and beautiful as possible.


Carbon Vapor and Carbon Plasma Infrared Emission

Laszlo Nemes

A review is given about infrared emission spectroscopy of hot carbon vapors and plasmas obtained using Fourier transform infrared emission and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) in the mid-infrared range. Laboratory FTIR emission spectra contain vibrational bands from fullerenes C60, C70 whereas laboratory mid-infrared LIBS spectra show bands that belong to mostly unidentified carbon molecules and clusters. Both kinds of spectra are compared to spectral results from infrared astronomy. The spectra are discussed with a view for possible applications in carbon nanostructure research and in infrared astronomy. Extensions for laser induced breakdown (plasma) spectroscopy in the infrared range are suggested.


Relativistic Gravitational Field and the Universe's Figure of a Hyperboloid of Revolution at the Fifth Dimension

Adalberto da Costa Dias*

Says the mass and energy conservation law: mass and energy cannot be created nor destroyed they only can be transformed one into another. The way this transformation is made, according to Einstein’s Equation determines the state expansive or contractive of the universe.

Thus, a wave nature process, expansive and hot occurs when mass is transformed into light energy, like the one that originated the universe in the Big Bang. Such a process, that propagated in decelerated manner (antigravity), created the space and the time, until that the energy emanated stopped in the position of the stars.

Then, a contractive, implosive and cold nature process occurs, when dark energy is transformed into mass, in the periphery of the stars, like the one that bring the universe back to The Big Bang, with the help of the extreme gravity acceleration of black holes.

The deformation of the space-time-mass caused by relativistic gravitational field corresponds to a hyperboloid of revolution at fifth dimension, lending this shape to the universe. This is the same type of space-time deformation founded by the general relativity theory.

Stars are grouped together forming galaxies by attraction of black holes, which, in turn, the galaxies are grouped together forming the universe by attraction of The Big Hole – the black hole located in the gravitational center of the universe itself.

The Big Hole, at the end of its evolution, reduces to the Hawking point of singularity, storing the whole universal mass in the form of photons, without occuping free spaces and explodes in The Big Bang, cyclically, over and over and over again.


Gravitation, Quantum Mechanics and the Least Action Electromagnetic Equilibrium States

Michaud A*

The century old challenge of fundamental physics has been to reconcile quantum mechanics (QM) that deals with submicroscopic interactions between elementary particles from the quantization perspective, with relativistic mechanics that deals with gravitation at the macroscopic level from the infinitesimally progressive perspective, mainly embodied by the theory of general relativity (GR). The ease with which infinitesimally progressive sequences of motion can be mathematically represented by means of an indefinite number of instantaneous momentary excited states of a postulated underlying neutral energy quantum vacuum field, which is the foundation of quantum field theory (QFT), has naturally privileged this quantization perspective in all past attempts at reconciling QM with gravitation. But, given that all scatterable elementary particles identifiable within atomic structures have an electrical charge, and are thus electromagnetic in nature, this article explores the possibility of reconciling quantum mechanics with relativistic mechanics from the electromagnetic perspective, by means of reconciling the wave function with the least action electromagnetic resonance states into which elementary charged particles become captive within atomic and nuclear structures, and ultimately, with gravitation.


Constraining Modified Gravity Models Using the Thermal Sunyaev- Zeldovich Effect

Ivan De Martino*

Some modified gravity theories add, in their weak field limit, a Yukawa-correction to the Newtonian gravitational potential. Such a correction usually depends on the two parameters, one that accounts for the modification of the gravitational constant, and another one representing the scale length on which the scalar field propagates. The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich temperature anisotropies can be used to test the modified gravitational potential well demonstrating that the Yukawa-like gravitational potential is able describe the distribution of the hot Intra Cluster Medium without accounting for a Dark Matter halo.


Meteorite Fall at Sadiya, India: A Raman Spectroscopic Classification

Bhaskar J Saikia*, Parthasarathy G, Borah RR, Borthakur R and Sarmah AJD

This report demonstrates compositional, spectroscopic and mineralogical analysis of a new meteorite that fell at Natun Balijan village of Sunpura, Sadiya, India on June 5, 2017. The olivine and pyroxene composition (Fa28.97; Fo71.03; Fs24.47; En74.03 and Wo1.5) of the meteorite are determined. The measured Raman band positions are consistent with chemical composition for olivine and pyroxene. The compositional and spectroscopic analysis of the Sadiya meteorite sample show that the meteorite belongs to LL-5 type chondrite.


The Hydrodynamic Representation of the Klein-Gordon Equation with Self- Interacting Field

Piero Chiarelli *

In this paper the quantum hydrodynamic approach for the KGE owing a self-interaction term is developed both for scalar and charged boson. The model allows to determine the quantum energy impulse tensor density of massive bosons such as the mesons. The generalization of the hydrodynamic Klein-Gordon equation to the non-Euclidean space-time is also derived for a quantum relativity approach.

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