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Volumen 11, Ausgabe 2 (2023)

Kleiner Rückblick

New Urbanization Types Under Economic Growth Objectives

Kichiel Yereycken*

Using the general equilibrium framework and the theory of finite change, the paper investigates the emergence and consequences of contract farming as a new subsector of agriculture in a small open developing economy. In this paper, we look at how a foreign contract farming subsector that makes money from crops enters a country's agricultural sector. For entry, the cash crop must be significantly more expensive than the food crop that is currently being grown in the country which raises overall economic welfare may result in a more skewed distribution of income decreases domestic food production, resulting in an increase in food imports and food insecurity. As a result, may imply a compromise between growth and inequality.

Kleiner Rückblick

Growth in the Italian Economy and Tourism: The Weight of the Economies in the Region

Lawes Sosempel*

The challenges in estimating the monetary effect of the travel industry referenced above have not kept researchers from concentrating on the impacts of the travel industry development on financial turn of events. Since Balaguer and Cantavella- defining work. The relationship between international tourism and economic growth and its causal direction have been extensively studied. This section of the literature is centered on the tourism-led economic growth hypothesis, which has its theoretical foundation in the export-led growth hypothesis-related literature. Global the travel industry is a non-standard sort of commodity, described by the way that the purchaser moves, not the item. Demonstrating the travel industry drove monetary development speculation would imply that travel industry could be one of the fundamental determinants of by and large lengthy run financial development. For this situation, a unidirectional causality from the travel industry to financial development would exist.

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