
Zeitschrift für fortgeschrittene Praktiken in der Krankenpflege

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Volumen 7, Ausgabe 7 (2022)


A Review on Healthcare Professionals in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Mateusz Sobieski

The discernments and perspectives of Healthcare Professionals (HCPs) to teleconsultations might influence the nature of the restorative cycle gave utilizing them. Thusly, this study intended to comprehend the mentalities to and view of clinical teleconsultation among different HCPs during the COVID-19 pandemic. We dissected information from a committed survey on inclinations, mentalities, and conclusions about teleconsultation, which was filled by 780 Polish HCPs. The greater part of the HCPs were specialists and medical attendants (69% and 19%, individually); the vast majority of the specialists were family doctors (50.1%). During the pandemic, teleconsultation and up close and personal contact were accounted for as the favored strategies for offering clinical types of assistance with comparable recurrence. Specialists and medical attendants showed the best mentality toward teleconsultation while the paramedics and physiotherapists took the most un-positive perspective on it. Most HCPs value the worth of teleconsultation, and the greater part of them will proceed with this type of correspondence with the patient when important or attractive.

Kleiner Rückblick

Obesity and Weight-Related Behaviors among Chinese Children

Shujuan Liao

Weight is especially unmistakable among the different medical conditions looked during kids' development and advancement. The high predominance of life as a youngster weight has turned into a worldwide wellbeing challenge, and it is expanding overall. The predominance of overweight and weight is accounted for to be 11.1% and 7.9%, separately, in Chinese youngsters matured 6 to 17 years. Overweight and weight in youth are related with unfriendly wellbeing results, including mental issues, asthma, obstructive rest apnea, muscular issues, and antagonistic cardiovascular sickness. In addition, heftiness in adolescence might endure into adulthood and lead to unfriendly cardiovascular results or other stoutness related sicknesses. Past investigations have uncovered various elements that are related with adolescence heftiness, like unfortunate way of life, hereditary qualities, climate, and digestion. Among these, way of life is a reversible element that contributes generally to overweight and heftiness; consequently, various measures have been executed to work on sound ways of life to mitigate the effect of experience growing up corpulence.

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