
Zeitschrift für fortgeschrittene Praktiken in der Krankenpflege

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So, you want to teach; The transition from nurse clinician to educator



As the need for graduating more nurses into the global workforceincreases, the number of nursing faculty are predicted to decline related to the aging nursing faculty workforce. When new faculty step up to fill the roles vacated by their retiring colleagues, they will need to be prepared to educate, not just in the traditional classroom, but in a cyber environment as well. Whether as short-term adjunct faculty or as a full time career path educator, the knowledge and skills of educating are very different then those needed as clinical nurses. Syllabi development, traditional classroom management, organizing course and program content, supervising online discussion boards, and promoting critical thought development in students are just some of the necessary abilities. Personal skills to procure a teaching position include effective CV development, job search activities, and successful interviewing techniques for the academic environment. The unique characteristics of academia require specific qualities in successful faculty. This presentation will offer guidance to nurses wishing to transition to the role of faculty, especially in the online format, although the skills can be applied to the traditional role as well. From how to find the first teaching position to virtual classroom management, focused and useful recommendations will be provided. Preparing students to enter successful nursing careers can be a rewardingcareer transition for nurses who wish to give back to their professional.

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