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Psychopathological Reactions among Citizen Rescue Volunteers One and Six Months after a Shipwreck Tragedy


Leonidas J. Mantonakis1, Christos Theleritis2, Consantine Psarros1, Maria Vasileiadou2, Sofia Martinaki1 and JoannaDespoina Bergiannaki1,2*

Aim: This study aims to investigate sub-acute (one month after) and persistent (six months after) stress reactions and psychopathological symptoms experienced by citizen rescue volunteers involved in a shipwreck tragedy that occurred in the Aegean Sea near Paros Island, Greece.

Materials and methods: One month (study period 1) and six months following the event (study period 2), a joint task force group of mental health clinicians was organized in order to investigate the psychological consequences of the post- shipwreck rescue operation to the volunteer rescuers. 51 male rescuers (study period 1) and 57 male rescuers (study period 2) who participated as rescue volunteers on the night of the shipwreck were interviewed and assessed with the use of several questionnaires and inventories (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-STAI; Athens Insomnia Scale-AIS; Eysenck Personality Inventory- EPI; Symptom Checklist-90-R-SCL-90-R; Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview-MINI).

Results: During study period 1, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) according to ICD-10 criteria and insomnia were detected in 35.3% and 31.4% of participants respectively. While during study period 2, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and insomnia were detected in 25.5% and 17.6% of rescue volunteers respectively. Participants experiencing PTSD and those who felt sadness during the rescue operation had a significantly higher likelihood of suffering from insomnia.

Conclusion: Psychopathological symptoms observed within one month after a rescue operation remained almost unchanged after six months. Thus, early detection of some personal characteristics, such signs as insomnia and PTSD among rescue volunteers is crucial for immediate treatment and the prevention of long-lasting psychopathology.

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