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Protective Role of Gossypetin against Cyclophosphamide Toxicity in Human Lymphocyte Culture In vitro


Ustunsoy S, Akal ZU and Alpsoy L

Gossypetin is a flavonoid which has anti-mutagenic, anti-atherosclerotic, antioxidant, as well as cytoprotective and antimicrobial effects. The objective of this study was to investigate the cytoprotective role of gossypetin (GP) against cyclophosphamide (CP) toxicity in the human lymphocyte culture. Cytotoxic, necrotic and apoptotic effects of CP (1mM), GP (25, 50 and 100 μM) and combination of them (CP+GP) were studied by using MTT assay and Flow cytometry analysis. It was detected that CP significantly decreased cell viability rate via arresting cell cycle and increasing apoptosis/necroptosis. However, GP treatment reduced negative effects of CP at different concentrations. The most effective concentration of GP against CP toxicity was 25 μM. This concentration GP increased live cell number and cell viability, in addition decreased necrotic and late apoptotic cell quantity which were treated with CP. These results suggest that GP could attenuate the cytotoxic effects of CP and protect the healthy cells when it is used during chemotherapy.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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