Deborah Andrew Ngusa
Religiosity to Africa Inland Church Tanzania (AICT) believers and other religions in this world has some positive influence on income growth due to its ethics that are compatible with development strategies. In development discourse, there has been a discussion about the initiatives to reduce poverty in poor communities by supporting people to become more independent and innovative. AICT is also a community that need to foster socio-economic development to its followers. This study focused on positive influence of religiosity on income growth of AICT believers in Mwanza City, Tanzania. Cross-sectional research design was employed to collect quantitative data through questionnaire. A Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) was employed to determine livelihood of individuals in the community. Purposive sampling was used to select 9 churches; 10 believers from each were selected through random sampling with the total of 90 respondents. Focus group discussions, semi-structured and life history interviews were employed to collect in-depth, qualitative data from the field. The study was enriched by secondary data that were collected from church documents. Data processing and analysis were done by summarizing, editing and coding. Content analysis was used to analyse in-depth data collected through life history interviews to develop two cases of respondents about the influence of religiosity on income growth in their lives. It is evident that religiosity has some ethics that have significant positive influence on income growth of believers. The study recommends that, religious leaders should integrate religious ethics related to income growth strategies to foster socio-economic development of their believers.
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