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Impact Assesment of Nrega Programme: A Comparative Analysis in Two Backward Districts of West Bengal, India


Singh K and Datta SK

The study focuses on the impact assessment of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act program on various development indicators such as employment generation, livelihood security, and creation of productive community assets to enhance the standard of living. Fixed effect regression model has been carried out to analyze the variation in generation of average employment days by a number of independent variables. A comparative tabular analysis was made with regard to the utilization of fund, average employment days per household, house-holds with 100 days of work, category wise asset creation and perceived standard of living among the surveyed blocks for two selected districts in West Bengal (India). The study found that the number of employment days provided in the scheme is much lower than the guaranteed 100 days. The average number of employment days generated is crucially governed by the extent and smoothness in the conduit of utilization of fund, percentage of labor cost as well as time gap in wage payments.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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