Sahani P and Tyagi R
Objective: Present study was conducted to study association between chronological age and biological age on the basis of dental maturity.
Methodology: The study was conducted among the children belonging to the 10-11 years age group. Eruption of teeth or somatic tooth development was recorded visually and photographically. Dental formula of the respondents, dental problems and anomalies were recorded. The data was analyzed using frequency distribution and percentage for selected factors like dental hygiene, food preferences, socio-economic status etc.
Result: Teeth eruption was reported to be earlier among girls than boys; Dental anomalies, dental problems like cavities, plaque and blackening were also reported among respondents.
Conclusion: The dental maturity was reported to be relatively faster among girls as compared to boys, Association between dental maturity and chronological age were reported among boys and girls both.
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