
Zeitschrift für Biodiversität und gefährdete Arten

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Critically Endangered Algal Couture


Melinda A Coleman, Brendan P Kelaher, Lea T Mamo , Nicholas R Yee , Patrick G Dwyer and Stephen DA Smith

Endangered species are strictly contraband within the world of high fashion couture but not for marine fashionistas. During recent surveys a decorator crab (Hyastenus sp.) was found exclusively covered in a thick coat of the critically endangered marine brown alga, Nereia lophocladia. This marine alga is among only a few to be globally listed as critically endangered and protected by legislation. While decorator crabs are widely known to adorn themselves in algae and other organisms for defense and camouflage, this is the first documented occurrence of critically endangered couture.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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