
Zeitschrift für Massenkommunikation und Journalismus

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Construction of Antipathy: The Impact of Three-dimensional Character Traits of Villains


Khushi Rathore

Villains are the core of a film and their character is portrayed in such a way that they create a sense of antipathy among the audience. The threedimensional character traits of the villain’s personality play a significant role in this job. This research work aims to study the impact of physiological, sociological, and psychological character traits of villains on the construction of antipathy among the film audience. The data of 506 respondents was collected using a structured questionnaire for the online survey and then quantitative analysis was carried out using multiple regression. This study statistically proved that the three-dimensional character traits of villains have a positive and significant effect on the construction of antipathy. Since there are few studies available on villains and antipathy, this research work will pave the way for further psychoanalytic research in this area.

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