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Bridging the Gap between the World of Learning and Work of Work in the Less Develop Countries of Africa


Kingsley Akarowhe

World of learning is an institutionalized arrangement which equip learners to contribute positive to themselves, work place and the society at large before and after graduation, while the world of works is expected to employ and provide an individual monetary capacity to improve on his/her standard of living. In the less developed countries of Africa, there seems to exist a gap between these two worlds, this is shown in the form of inability of graduates to effectively and efficiently performs to what have been inculcated in them in the world of learning. This scenario has raise question by employer of labour in the world of work in doubting the capabilities of the world of learning in producing graduates that would contribute positively to institutionalized setup (private and public/government organization, establishment, and parastatals) and the Africa society at large. Over the years, this have given rise to government of the less developed countries in Africa, international organizations such as UNESCO, USAID and other relevant agencies to work-out modalities to bridge the gap between the two worlds, but solution insight is not often in view. It is against this background that this paper intends to provide solution in bridging the gap between the world of work and work of learning in the less developed countries of Africa.

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