Israa S Aljohani, Sulafa S Alshammari, Reem K Aloqbi Abdulhalim Jamal Kinsara
Aims: to increase the awareness about cardiovascular diseases risk among diabetic patients in KAMC-Jeddah.
Method: Observational cross-sectional study assessed DM patients for their knowledge on of diet, physical activity complication of DM, whether they received any educational sessions using a questionnaire. This was followed by education.
Result: The study included 132 participants; we found that 41% of the sample was obese and 34% overweight. (15.9%) developed cardiovascular diseases. Less than 5% of DM patients with cardiac disease indicated they had education. In the end, 95.5% of participants reported they had learned from the interview and it was educational for them.
Conclusion: There was a clear lack of information on the disease, complications and method of prevention. In addition, one to one education was informative and helpful to the patient
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