Mizuno T
Auditory hallucinations are one of the most frequent and reliable symptoms of psychosis. However, the neurocognitive and neurophysiological bases of auditory and verbal hallucinations remain obscure. These hallucinations are thought to result from disordered monitoring of inner speech. In this article, the synaptic and psychopathological mechanisms for the auditory hallucinations are discussed. Auditory hallucinations might be occurred due to a failure of synaptic connectivity. The disturbances of the spine are caused by temporary abnormal neuronal excitations and failure of synaptic connectivity will be observed. The abnormality in the neurotransmission of glutamic acid and GABA will cause a musical hallucinations, heightened auditory awareness and “Les eidolies hallucinosiques” (which are hallucinations without delusions). By adding the abnormal neurotransmission of dopamine and /or serotonin to GABA and glutamate abnormalities, the delusions will be applied to the “Les eidolies hallucinosiques” and it will become paranoid hallucinations (“Les hallucinations délirantes”). The valproic acid that inhibits the GABA degrading enzyme and agonist of the NMDA receptor will be the first choice for “Les eidolies hallucinosiques” from immediately after onset. If the patient complains the paranoid symptoms, the dopamine and serotonin receptor antagonist will be desirable.
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