
Zeitschrift für fortgeschrittene Praktiken in der Krankenpflege

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'At a looking glass' The Impact of Nursing Schools 'Culture' on Students Professional Socialisation - A Discussion Paper


Power JJ

A discussion paper addressing significant issues in the transference of a culture of care and professionalism to nursing students, from their educational schools. The paper argues that the core values and organisational culture of a school of nursing is integral to the professional socialisation of nursing students with particular focus on care. The paper explores the concept of organisational core values, organisational culture, and the characteristics of leadership in change. The importance of core values, and cultural congruence between the organisation/institution and the nurse educators is explored and emphasized; to more effectively facilitate transfer of these values to students. By way of an example, the paper also explores the management of change within schools of nursing and nurse education and the potential impact/impression that this could make to the development of culture and practice of the nursing student.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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