Natan Molla Yimer
The role of simulation models in understanding the processes in the soil-plant-atmosphere system has increased significantly in recent years. This is attributed to increased computing capabilities available today. Mathematical models, be it physically or empirically based, have the promising potential to explore solutions to water management problems. Evaluation of water management scenarios can be easily done, thus facilitating better recommendations for improved water use. Thus, in large-scale irrigated agriculture, there is potential benefit from improved rainwater and irrigation management, as well as upstream through reduced land degradation and associated soil erosion, which, when transported downstream, reduces the efficiency of irrigation schemes and best practices. The Kuraz Sugar Development irrigation project in the sub basin, which is one of the sub basins in Ethiopia, has suitable land for agriculture and livestock, and currently huge investment is found in irrigation projects, and of these, the dominant is state-owned irrigation, like the Kuraz Sugar Development irrigation project in the sub basin, which is planned to irrigate sugarcane on 175,000 hectares of land.
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