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An Empirical Investigation of Human Handwritings and Imitational Software Based Digital Machine Writings: A New Category of Forgery Christened as "Hybrid Forgery" in Questioned Documents


Vivekkumar Mangilal Chayal, Himanshu A. Pandya, Deepak R. Handa, Vijay Verma, Narendrakumar Mangilal Chayal and Amin Hetal

Varieties of writing instruments are available in the market. The history and development of writing instruments, impact printers, non-impact printers, scanners and auto-pens are very interesting subjects to create new challenges for document scientists. The available literature suggests that the mechanical typewriter could be the first writing machine and digital printers are the latest machines that are still used for typing and printing processes. There is a paucity of works of literature on machine writing as questioned documents. A new innovative, imitational software based digital writing machine i.e., the ‘Drawing CNC machine with XY Plotter’ is introduced into the market which can be utilized to imitate writings, signatures as well as drawings which mimic natural patterns of human handwriting. Such an imitational digital writing machine is capable of creating customized written samples by imitating pen movement, good line quality of letter formations, rhythmic connecting strokes, pen pressure and a combination of letter formations. Identifying the difference between machines generated writing and human handwriting is biggest task for questioned document scientists in the present digital era. The research on such writing machines is very useful for the questioned document scientists, law enforcement agencies, police administrations, vigilance and surveillance departments, banks etc.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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