Y Avasn Maruthi, N Lakshmana Das, Kaizar Hossain, K S S Sarma, K P Rawat and S Sabarwal
First time in India, the present study was investigated the efficiency of electron beam to hygienise and oxidise the wastewater and focus on new technologies and processes. The use of electron beam accelerator to disinfect sewage water is gaining a great importance. The current emphasis on environmental health and water pollution issue are that, there is an increasing awareness in the process of disposing the waste water supply as well as beneficially. EB treatment of the waste water has found to be very effective in reducing the pathogens as well as BOD and COD load, indicating an increased in bio-degradability of waste water. EB dose of 1.5 kGy was sufficient for complete elimination of total coli forms. The experimental results elucidated that the percentage of reduction of BOD was 14 more as well as 32 % of reduction in COD with respect to increasing of irradiation doses(0.45 -6 kGy). So the irradiated sewage water can find its application either in agriculture for irrigation or in industry sector for cooling purpose or in both the sectors after flocculation treatment. Irradiation with electron beam is an unconventional to chlorination of municipal sewage water to provide disinfection.
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