
Zeitschrift für fortgeschrittene Praktiken in der Krankenpflege

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A Systemic Approach to Evaluate Nursing Practice of AMTSL Protocol


Introduction: An evaluative survey was carried out for the assessment of practice of AMTSL (Active Management of Third Stage of Labor) protocol, as recommended by WHO (World Health Organization), as well as to determine the gap in ongoing practice.

Objective: This present study was conducted to assess the practice of AMTSL protocol by nursing personnel and to find out the gap between ongoing practices and practices recommended by WHO.

Methods: Evaluative Survey research design was selected for this study. This study was carried out in selected hospitals, West Bengal, India. Participants were nursing personnel, working in different labor unit in selected hospitals. Among them 53 nursing personnel were selected as subject sample and 159 deliveries, conducted by the subjects were selected as event sample. Non- probability convenience sampling technique was adopted for sampling. Semi- Structured Interview Schedule and Structured Observation Rating Scale were used for data collection.

Results: The findings revealed that 57.81% participants were practicing Step I administration of uterotonics, whereas 73.18% participants were practicing Step II controlled cord traction and only 30.15% participants were practicing Step III uterine massage, following WHO recommended AMTSL protocol. It also revealed that, 42.19% gap present in practicing Step I, 26.82% gap present in practicing in Step II and maximum 69.85% gap present in Step III, between ongoing practice of AMTSL protocol by nursing personnel and the practices of AMTSL protocol, as recommended by WHO.

Conclusion: This article is intended to help administrators and policy makers who are involved in planning, directing or evaluating the programs, protocols, personnel, products, institutions or systems.

Haftungsausschluss: Dieser Abstract wurde mit Hilfe von Künstlicher Intelligenz übersetzt und wurde noch nicht überprüft oder verifiziert

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